Creative composition

The only thing that comes to my mind thinking of earthquake is fear. I remember holding mum in one hand and door with the other as the first earthquake hit. I saw the heavy cupboard moving to and fro, water spilled all over the place, bottles rolling down the floor. My mother was praying and taking names of every god she knows of. I was praying too but on inside. Then going to Bungamati as volunteer I saw lots of destruction and even encountered second big earthquake while working there. I was actually so scared I couldn't move and just stared at the red marked houses around me as they kept moving, clashing with each other.

So this composition here is to show how I felt at that moment where all I could do was to stare. Since it is a humanly form of fear, instead of standing position it is kneeling down and has big limbs to show how the fear was holding me down and not letting me move.



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